Classified Ads
New and Used Mushing Items for Sale. Please include contact information in the body of your ad.
Ads will be posted for 90 days. Items must be mushing related.
Ads will be posted for 90 days. Items must be mushing related.
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Polaris 4 wheeler with winch and plow for sale. $4500. If interested, send email to [email protected] POSTED 8/22/2024 |
Looking for a local Chugiak or nearby musher interested in giving winter tours. Must have eight dogs minimum. Please email Sean Williams at [email protected]
POSTED 8/8/2024
Home for sale near Chugiak trails on mountain side in Chugiak. Currently has kennel fencing but would need to be replaced. Listing 24-9148.
[email protected]
POSTED 7/30/2024
[email protected]
POSTED 7/30/2024
12 wooden posts for dog lot; some have chains at the top; no cost -- free
approx 6 metal swivels with chairs for dog lot; they go into a pipe in the ground and allows the dog to run in a circle without dragging the chain through feces; no cost -- free!
Beth at [email protected]
POSTED 7/30/2024
approx 6 metal swivels with chairs for dog lot; they go into a pipe in the ground and allows the dog to run in a circle without dragging the chain through feces; no cost -- free!
Beth at [email protected]
POSTED 7/30/2024
Wooden dogsled $300. Good for sprint or training runs. Sled bag included, drag with studs needs to be reattached . Fairly lightweight, stored inside just don't have the room anymore. $300, can send more photos if interested.
Danielle at [email protected]
POSTED 7/30/2024
Danielle at [email protected]
POSTED 7/30/2024
Dog walker (previously owned by Egil Ellis) for sale get your pups race ready for next season, this can hold up to 15 dogs at one time or you can fence it in and put panels up for free running, the walker has a variable speed drive controller, can go reverse and forward, travels at a maximum speed of 15 miles an hour down to a trot, breaking system is pneumatically controlled $4500 OBO, buyers responsible for the dismantling and removal off the property contact Eddie for details of how to remove the walker. [email protected]
POSTED 5/28/2024
POSTED 5/28/2024